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The Thoreau Society Bulletin is a 20-page newsletter with bibliographic information and writings on the life, works, and legacy of Henry Thoreau.

Each issue features original research and writing about Thoreau and his world, as well as news and announcements from the Society. It also contains a Notes & Queries section and a President’s Column, as well as additions to the Thoreau Bibliography and reviews of new literature relevant to the field. Edited by Brent Ranalli.

The Thoreau Society Bulletin is mailed to each member on a quarterly basis as a benefit of membership.


Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Bulletin before submitting any items for potential publication. In general, submissions to the Bulletin should be no longer than 1500 words and should not have been previously published. Submissions should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. Whenever possible, the Thoreau Edition texts (Princeton University Press) should be used for quotations from Thoreau’s writings. Contributors need not be members of the Thoreau Society, but non-members are heartily encouraged to join.  Send submissions for consideration to

Authors of content that appears in the Thoreau Society Bulletin retain the copyright to their work. By submitting their work to the Bulletin, authors grant the Thoreau Society nonexclusive rights to continue to use the work (to reprint it, excerpt it, archive it, anthologize it, etc.) following acceptance and publication.

Back Issues

The Thoreau Society, in collaboration with UMass Lowell and the Digital Commonwealth at the Boston Public Library, has digitized the entire back run of Bulletin issues from 1945 through 2012. These issues are now freely accessible as full-text-searchable PDF documents at the Internet Archive. The Bulletin is also archived in JSTOR.

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The Thoreau Society®, Inc.
341 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742
P: (978) 369-5310
F: (978) 369-5382

Educating people about the life, works, and legacy of Henry David Thoreau, challenging all to live a deliberate, considered life—since 1941.


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