Awaken Your Sense: Write Outside Your Door
We’ll do a few creativity exercises to sharpen our senses and to decrease the stress in our daily lives. Then we’ll explore the natural areas and trails near Thoreau’s birth house. Along the way, we will use all of our senses to increase our awareness of the natural world around us.
We won’t have to walk far to find interesting material.
You are guaranteed to see, hear, smell, and touch something brand-new and intriguing. We’ll spend time writing and you will come away from this exercise with partial or finished pieces of writing or artwork, too.
Feel free to bring your own journal or sketchbook; small journals and pens or pencils will be provided.
This session will last at least 90 minutes. Participants: Teens and adults, writers of any experience. Limit 15 participants.
Corinne H. Smith is the author of Westward I Go Free: Tracing Thoreau’s Last Journey, and Henry David Thoreau for Kids: His Life & Times, With 21 Activities.