Short, Sweet & Sacred, a panel discussion on living the life you’ve imagine
Join us for a panel discussion moderated by Thoreau Farm’s executive director Margaret Carroll-Bergman, featuring four of the contributors to “Short, Sweet & Sacred,” a collection of 52 essays from life coaches who overcame and moved from stuck-to-success. Our panel includes the editor of “Short, Sweet & Sacred,” Erin Davenport, a certified life mastery coach and author; Aurelie Cormier, a clinical oncology nurse and a clinical nurse specialist for Women’s Health; Golivia Patil, co-founder of the platform, Kernel to Popcorn; and Theresa Garvin, clinical social worker and therapist and owner and CEO of The Life You Imagine.
The panel discussion will be followed by a question and answer session. Audience participation is encouraged.
Saturday, October 2, free, via Zoom. Registration is required.