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Thoreau Society Presenters at SAAP Boston Conference March 29th

SAAP (Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy)

51st Annual Meeting in Boston

March 29-30, 2024 at The Boston Park Plaza Hotel

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The Thoreau Society will be represented by the following speakers on Friday, March 29th from 2pm-3:40pm in the St. James Room at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel:

David Gordon ‘In what way was Thoreau a philosopher?  What is philosophy?’

Marc Jolley: ‘Was Thoreau an Existentialist? A Brief Comparison of Thoreau and Kierkegaard’

Wiliam HomesteadPhilosophy as a Way of Life: 15 Reasons to Read Thoreau’ 

Richard Higgins‘Thoreau’s God: A Theology of the Unseen and Unheard’

Henrik Otterberg‘On Thoreau’s Genealogy of Morals, 1834-1849.’

Lydia Willsky Ciollo‘The Theological Minimum One needs to know to understand Thoreau’

Michael Jonik‘Worlds of Perception:  Thoreau and Merleau-Ponty’



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Educating people about the life, works, and legacy of Henry David Thoreau, challenging all to live a deliberate, considered life—since 1941.


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