- Botanical Index to the Journal of Henry David Thoreau
- Drawings of Henry D. Thoreau
- Journal Transcripts September 3, 1854 – November 3, 1861
- Thoreau’s Kalendar
Thoreau’s tracings of two of Samuel de Champlain’s maps
- “Carte de la Nouvelle France,” recto and verso
- “Carte geographique de la Nouvelle Franse”
- Notes by Thoreau regarding the tracings
Digital Thoreau at SUNY Geneseo
Also see
Pencil Making
Where to find Thoreau’s manuscripts:
A more complete listing is available at
- The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau
- The Houghton Library
- The Huntington Library
- The New York Public Library, The Berg Collection of English and American Literature
- The Morgan Library & Museum
Also see
The Walden Woods Project Collections
- Paul Brooks Collection
- Albert Bussewitz Collection
- Lewis C. Dawes Collection
- Stephen F. Ells Collection (under construction)
- Richard F. Fleck Thoreau Papers
- Richard Bartlett Gregg Papers
- Kristina Joyce Papers — 1993-1998
- New-CUE Archives
- Edmund A. Schofield Collection
- Mary Sherwood Papers
- The Corinne H. Smith Collection
- The Thoreau Country Conservation Alliance Archives
- The Thoreau Library of Kevin Mac Donnell
- Walden Woods Project Collection