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The Great Tide of Humanity: Race and Gender Reform in 19th Century Concord, Massachusetts

Join us for a lively evening where Concord, Massachusetts, historians and social rights activists come together to talk about the 19th century revolution that was fought with a pen and continues to capture the hearts and minds of social reformers today.

Henry David Thoreau and his fellow Transcendentalists sparked a literary revolution, 60 years after the American Revolution in the tiny town of Concord. Armed with the ideas of social reform, the Transcendentalists of Concord, the Concord Female Anti-Slavery Society, Thoreau women, and early Civil Rights Activist Ellen Garrison addressed the reform issues of the day — slavery, the aftermath of slavery, and women’s rights.

The panelists will discuss how these 19th century thinkers and activists continue to guide us in addressing these issues today.

About the panelists

Richard Smith – Richard has worked as a public historian in Concord for 21 years, specializing in Henry David Thoreau, the Transcendentalists, the Anti-Slavery movement and the Civil War. He has written five books.

Nikki Turpin – Nikki is a teacher and the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall in Waltham, Massachusetts. She has a long-held passion for African-American history and recently presented at the Association of African American Museums, discussing the importance of telling the full stories of African-American female suffragists.

Beth van Duzer – Beth is a licensed tour guide for the town of Concord. She is the general manager of Concord Tour Company and an educator at the Concord Museum.

Tammy Rose – Tammy is an award-winning playwright and writes and performs plays about Thoreau and the Transcendentalists in and around Concord.

Margaret Carroll-Bergman – Moderator – Margaret is the Executive Director of Thoreau Farm: Birthplace of Henry David Thoreau. A journalist with roots in nonprofits management, she appreciates how much of our daily lives are influenced by the hand of nature.

This program is sponsored by the Nancy Chandler Visiting Scholar Program of Central Oregon Community College, Marjorie Meret, M.Ed., Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund, Associated Students of Central Oregon Community College, and The Write Connection, in partnership with the Thoreau Society.


Oct 15 2020


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

The Thoreau Society Bulletin is a 20-page newsletter with bibliographic information and writings on the life, works, and legacy of Henry Thoreau.

Each issue features news, upcoming events, and announcements from the Society, along with original short articles on new discoveries in and about the world of Thoreau, his contemporaries and related topics. It also contains a Notes & Queries section and a President’s Column, as well as additions to the Thoreau Bibliography and reviews of new literature relevant to the field. Edited by Brent Ranalli.

The Thoreau Society Bulletin is mailed to each member on a quarterly basis as a benefit of membership.

Membership includes a subscription to the annual journal.


The Concord Saunterer is a valuable aid to studies of Thoreau.” — Harold Bloom, Yale University

The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies is an annual peer-reviewed journal of Thoreau scholarship that features in-depth essays about Thoreau, his times and his contemporaries, and his influence today. Membership includes a subscription to the annual journal.


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341 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742
P: (978) 369-5310
F: (978) 369-5382

Educating people about the life, works, and legacy of Henry David Thoreau, challenging all to live a deliberate, considered life—since 1941.


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