Henry 101: Thoreau-ly Misunderstood
“Henry 101: Thoreau-ly Misunderstood” with Rich Piccarreto
A delightful and informative overview of Thoreau’s life, quirks, and lesser-known aspects that challenge common misconceptions about his ‘experiment’ at Walden Pond 1845-47.
Richard Piccarreto is a certified tour guide in Concord, MA; a Cultural Site Interpreter for the Trustees of Reservations at the Old Manse; and Membership & Program Coordinator for the Thoreau Society.
Please check the link for up-to-date details including registration.
About the Thoreau Society Speakers Bureau
The Thoreau Society offers free educational programs to public libraries, community centers, senior centers, and other groups and organizations in Massachusetts about the life, works, and legacies of Henry David Thoreau. If you live outside of Massachusetts, please contact us about a speaker near you.
If you are interested in hosting a Thoreau Society presentation, please email membership@thoreausociety.org.
This series is supported in part by a Mass Humanities Staffing Recovery Grant (2023-2025) that provides for our Membership and Program Coordinator. Funding from Mass Humanities has been provided through the Massachusetts Cultural Council.