2013: Henry D. Thoreau: Mystic, Transcendentalist, and Natural Philosopher to Boot
July 10-14, Concord, Massachusetts
Dana S. Brigham Memorial Keynote Speaker: Robert Richardson
Pre-conference Registration
(ends July 5)
Member rate: $175
Non-member rate: $200
Keynote Speaker, Robert D. Richardson
Robert D. Richardson
Robert Richardson was born in Milwaukee in 1934, brought up first in Medford then in Concord Mass., went to school at Harvard, then pursued a teaching career mainly at the University of Denver. He has been married twice, first to Elizabeth Hall, then to Annie Dillard. He has two daughters by his first marriage and three step-daughters by his second. He has taught at many schools, including Harvard, Yale, The University of Colorado, The Graduate Center and Queens College of CUNY, Sichuan University in China, Wesleyan, and UNC Chapel Hill.
After writing books on Literature and Film, The Rise of Modern Mythology (with Burton Feldman) and Myth and Literature in the American Renaissance, he turned in his mid-forties to intellectual biography, spending ten years each on Henry Thoreau: A Life of the Mind, (Univ of California press, 1986) Emerson: The Mind on Fire (Univ of California Press, 1995), and William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism (Houghton Mifflin Nov 2006). He currently divides his time between Key West, Hillsborough North Carolina, and South Wellfleet on Cape Cod. He is working on a group biography set in eleventh century Persia and centered on the poet of the Rubaiyyat, Omar Khayyam.