Progress on new Visitor Center at Walden Pond

On September 30, 2014, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) held a community meeting to gather additional input from stakeholders, including the Thoreau Society, on the design of the new Visitor Center at Walden Pond. Construction of the new building, which will include exhibit space and a bookstore, will begin in the spring of 2015 and finish in 2016. Through the Friends of Walden Pond, our long-term partnership with the DCR, and the collaborative relationships we have built with academic associations and cultural organizations over decades, we aim to do all we can to make this transformative project succeed. Here is a detailed agenda, as well as a project history, put together by the DCR.
December 8, 2014: Ground Breaking Ceremony with Governor Deval Patrick, Thoreau Society Photos.
December 16, 2014: “Walden Pond, where Thoreau lived simply, goes solar,” Associated Press.