In addition to the Henry David Thoreau Prize for Literary Excellence in Nature Writing, the Thoreau Society has been proud to honor these individuals for their contributions to the Society and to Thoreau Scholarship.
Recognizes sustained, essential contributions to the legacy and vitality of Thoreauvian studies and ideals through extraordinary scholarship or service.
2024. Phyllis Cole, Bill Rossi, Paul Schacht
2023. Robert A. Gross, Linck Johnson, Robert Sattelmeyer
2022. Lawrence Buell, Rebecca Solnit
2021. Joseph Moldenhauer
2020. Sandra Harbert Petrulionis, Joseph Wheeler
2019. Laura Dassow Walls
2017. Terry Tempest Williams
2012. Tom Potter
2008. Robert N. Hudspeth, Paul Tsongas, Elizabeth Witherell
2004. Ron Bosco, Robert Galvin, Joel Myerson
Previous winners included Paul Brooks and E.O. Wilson.
(formerly The Walter Harding Distinguished Service Award) Recognizes significant scholarly achievement or other exceptional accomplishment that furthers the mission of the Thoreau Society.
2024. Ray Angelo, Richard Schneider
2023. Andri Snaer Magnason, Timothy Sweet
2022. François Specq
2021. Huey
2020. Ibram X. Kendi
2019. Henry Petroski
2015. Jeffrey S. Cramer, J. Parker Huber, Paul Schacht
2014. Albena Bakratcheva, Joseph J. Moldenhauer, Nikita Pokrovsky
2013. John Cafferty
2012. Kevin Van Anglen
2011. Peter Alden
2007. David B. Ganoe
2004. Wes Mott
2003. Karen Kashian
2002. Bradley P. Dean
2001. Robert Galvin, John and Lorna Mack
Recognizes substantial dedication to the Thoreau Society and/or its mission.
2024. Jayne Gordon
2023. Deborah Medenbach, Bergur Thorgeirsson
2022. D.B. Johnson
2021. Peggy Brace, Dale Peterson, Michael Stoneham
2020. Robert Clarke
2019. Michael Schleifer
2018. Henrik Otterberg
2017. Dale Schwie
2015. Gayle Moore, Robert Velella
2011. J. Walter Brain
2009. Jonathan Fadiman, Lorna Mack
2007. Joseph Wheeler
2004. Lawrence Buell, Concord Free Public Library, K.W. Cameron, Leo Marx
2003. Karen Kashian
2002. Bradley P. Dean
2001. Robert D. Richardson